Worldwide, People Love Faith and Life!
On this page: Why Faith and Life?, What Bishops Have Said, What Teachers Have Said, What Catholic Leaders Have Said
The Faith and Life series, available in German as well as English, has attracted commendations from people everywhere. From parents to teachers to priests to cardinals, Faith and Life has proved not only popular, but also incredibly effective.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (former Pope Benedict XVI) has mentioned that Faith and Life is
"the best catechetical series in the German language."
And he's not the only one praising this series!
Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn has this to say:
The appearance of the reworked German edition, Glaube und Leben, of the American Faith and Life catechism is a cause of great joy. For the past two decades, Faith and Life has proven to be an excellent series for religious instruction in schools and family catechesis in the home. I know families who use this faith series and bear witness to the excellent fruit it has brought forth. To all who wish to transmit the faith to children in schools or in the home, I recommend the Faith and Life series as a textbook of refreshing and high quality. Pray God this catechism series will give a strong impetus to the transmission of the faith and of Christian life in the German-speaking world.
Why Faith and Life?
It has been over 30 years since Catholics United for the Faith and Ignatius Press collaborated to produce the first edition of the Faith and Life series. Since that time, over 5,500,000 copies have been sold. The series has been praised by parents and the students themselves for its presentation of the fullness of Catholic faith and Tradition — and for the superb art that enhances each book.
When, at the time of the issuance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the U.S. bishops finally agreed that most religious education series were woefully inadequate, they required that all be brought into conformity with the Catechism and a committee of bishops was appointed to monitor the process. Faith and Life was the only series that did not have to make a single change in order to be in conformity.
Now, after 30 plus years, we have made some revisions. Revisions to the student text itself are quite modest. Catholic teaching does not change. But the teacher's manuals have been expanded and made more useful for most teachers. The questions and answers have been made more uniform, using the Catechism as a guide. The student activity books have been improved. But it's the same Faith and Life series that has been helping parents and teachers transmit the truth, goodness and beauty of the Catholic faith for over three decades.
Joseph Fessio, SJ
Publisher, Ignatius Press
What Bishops Have Said
The Faith and Life series from Catholics United for the Faith provides a clear and informative presentation of what we as Catholics believe, live and teach. With a firm grounding in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Faith and Life reaffirms that the faith is indeed alive, a gift to be cherished, and as relevant today as when Our Lord Jesus Christ called Peter and Andrew to 'Come after me.'
Faith and Life continues CUF's tradition of catechesis and witness to the Gospel.
– Most Rev. John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark
Our diocesan Director of Religious Education and I are in complete agreement that this newly revised series is a thorough and excellent presentation of the Catholic faith.
I am especially impressed with the references to Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church that appear in each lesson. The student activity book helps to reinforce what has been taught in the class. The revised teacher's manuals will prove to be particularly helpful for catechists because step-by-step lesson plans are provided for each lesson. At a time when our young people so desperately need sound teaching, the Faith and Life catechism series is the answer to prayers. I will strongly recommend this series for use in our schools and parish-based religious education programs.
– Most Rev. Michael J. Sheridan, Bishop of Colorado Springs
I believe that the Faith and Life series is a very good catechetical tool. Students who finish this series will have an excellent grasp of the deposit of faith. The material is sound and is faithful to the Magisterium of our holy Church.
– Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, AZ
I am happy to report that this series is not only complete, it possesses excellence, in a way that itself promotes the values of our holy faith. The sweep of the content fulfills all goals — everything is there, from the history of salvation across the pages of the Old and New Testaments, to sections devoted to providing young children with clear and nonthreatening explanations of the commandments, the sacraments, the moral life, and the structure of our Church. The value of prayer is assisted by a brief but complete compendium of prayers at the end of the volume. The very words unique to the Catholic faith are methodically presented and explained, and again, collected at the rear of the book for easy reference. Of particular value is the accompanying activity book which, along with the teacher's guide, provides more than ample resources for the instructor to be constantly involved in the discovery and exploration that is going on in the student's mind. And, perhaps most important, the level of writing is not condescending, but rather challenges the student to improve the mind as religious knowledge is imparted. This challenge invites the mutual participation of student and parents in the education process, a component which insures the best kind of religious education — the kind that embraces child, family and Church.
I do not believe any better series can be found to enhance the teaching of the Gospel and life in the Catholic Church for our young students and their families, and I recommend the Faith and Life series without reservation.
– Most Rev. John F. Donoghue, Archbishop Emeritus of Atlanta
What Teachers Have Said
As a CCD teacher for 10 years, I used the first grade Faith and Life series weekly. The textbook I had originally been given lacked any 'meat,' and so I found Faith and Life to be a great resource. I read it in the classroom and also used it for preparing my classes.
– Carole Hummel, Green Bay, Wisconsin
The Faith and Life series is simply the best catechetical program for grades 1-8 available in the English language. We have used it throughout the history of Trinity Grammar and Prep. It provides solid, comprehensive catechesis in a format that is attractive to students, parents, and teachers. The books are beautifully illustrated and well-organized to provide a good grounding in the Catholic faith. They can be used in home school and in traditional Catholic school setings. The thoroughly revised teachers' manuals and updated student texts improve on an already outstanding series by incorporating references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I can't say enough about this superb series!
– Jack Kersting, Headmaster, Trinity Grammar and Prep Napa, California
What Catholic Leaders Have Said
When CUF came out with its Faith and Life series, printed by Ignatius Press, and I began using it in my parish, within one year I could tell the difference for the better in the knowledge of true faith among the children of my parish.
– Fr. Robert J. Fox, Fatima Family Apostolate
It's hard to think of anything more important than forming children in the faith. Faith and Life does it, and does it well.
– Russell Shaw, Editor, Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine
Marvelous — this series will help you follow the Holy Father's desire that you teach your children.
– Mother Angelica, Founder of EWTN
I give the Faith and Life series my highest recommendation. We teach our children with these texts and encourage others to do the same... [It] presents the faith with clarity, depth, and great beauty.
– Scott Hahn, Steubenville, OH