Training Seminar DVD
Faith and Life series.
A live training seminar for DREs, catechists and teachers on the content, methodology and use of the Faith and Life catechetical series.
This training seminar presentation can be used for in-services for teachers, catechists or parents of students using or evaluating the Faith and Life series. The presentation is divided into three segments which can be viewed together or as separate sessions. Includes a bonus feature which will enhance the training of your catechists, or parents of sacramental preparation students.

Faith & Life Training Seminar DVD
The Faith and Life Training Seminar DVD consists of the following three segments:
Introduction: Why Faith and Life?
(50 mins) The majority of this segment explains how systematic and organic catechesis present foundational truths of the Catholic faith in the Faith and Life series, and how this catechetical approach forms students. The students are immersed into the mystery of Christ through which they are transformed in Christ and compelled to live out the gospel message.
Methodology: How to use Faith and Life
(35 mins) This segment covers how to use the Faith and Life series beginning with an overview of the Ecclesial Methodology. An explanation follows with diagrams that show how this methodology is incorporated into the teacher's manual and also how the Faith and Life parish lesson plans explicitly use this methodology.
An Overview of Salvation History and the Eucharist
(30 mins) Each grade level of the Faith and Life series is structured within the framework of salvation history. This segment can be presented to catechists, parents and students to see clearly how the Eucharist is the center of God's plan of mercy and the center of our Catholic faith.
List Price $29.95; School price $23.96 (1-866-431-1531 to order)