Millions of people have already read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Millions more will see the movie. Your family, friends, co-workers, parishioners--maybe even you--have been affected by the inaccuracies of this book. Here we have downloadable resources for individuals, parishes, pastors and schools.
You will need Adobe Reader to download and print some of these materials.
The Da Vinci Hoax Study Guide - FREE!
This small guide is perfect for parish study or reading groups. Click here to download a PDF. (Note: the booklet will appear sideways in your Acrobat Reader). Print or photocopy doublesided to make a foldable booklet.
These flyers are perfect for inserting in parish bulletins, newsletters, or hand-outs.
FLYER: The Da Vinci Hoax Uncovered - The Real Jesus - PDF
FLYER: The Da Vinci Hoax Uncovered - Nothing But The Facts - PDF
FLYER: The Da Vinci Hoax Uncovered - Secrets Of Da Vinci - PDF
Pass around these interviews with the authors!
Carl Olson interview
Sandra Miesel interview
Read these excerpts from the book!
By Carl Olson:
"The 'It's Just Fiction!' Doctrine (Ignatius Insight March, 2005)
"A Da Vinci De-Coder" (The Catholic Answer, June, 2004)
"Seeing (Code) Red: Answering The Da Vinci Code Bullies" (May 7, 2004)
"Relative Revelations: Dan Brown¹s Code should be Left Behind" (May 4, 2004)
"Anti-Catholic Passions" (National Catholic Register, April 2004)
"Believe in Seeking, Not in Believing" (NCRegister, March 2004)
"Fiction Isn't Just Fiction Anymore" (Envoy, 7.3. March 2004)
"The Cardinal and the Code" (Register, Feb 2004)
"Just 'Fiction'?" (NCRegister, August 2003)
By Sandra Miesel:
"Dismantling The Da Vinci Code: by Sandra Miesel" (Crisis Magazine, December 2003)