
“Mercurial magic. A feast for the spirit. Without question the best book yet written about the works of C.S. Lewis.”
—Peter Kreeft, Author, The Philosophy of Tolkien
NARNIA & BEYOND A Guide to the Fiction of C.S. Lewis
by Thomas Howard
Regarded as one of the best authorities on the fiction of C.S. Lewis, Thomas Howard presents in this work brilliant new insights into Lewis' fiction and helps us to see things we may not have seen nor appreciated before. Focusing on Narnia, the space trilogy and Til We Have Faces, Howard explores with remarkable clarity the moral vision in the imaginary world of the master storyteller Lewis.
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“A book for all readers. Coren brings Lewis to life in a study which should send adults and children scurrying to bookshelves.”
—London Free Press
by Michael Coren
Starting with "Beginnings", Coren tells of the fascinating details of the childhood and youth of Lewis, one that was, in Lewis's own words full of "long corridors, attics explored in solitude, sunlit rooms and endless books". It continues with his studies at Oxford, his subsequent celebrated teaching career at Oxford, his wonderful friendships with other great writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and George Sayer, his meeting and marriage with Joy Davidman, and how he dealt with the sorrow of her death.
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“An unexpected delight.”
—Washington Post
REMEMBERING C.S. LEWIS Recollections of Those Who Knew Him
by James T. Como
In this intimate, candid, and sometimes surprising community biography of the celebrated author and Christian apologist, twenty-four men and women who knew C.S. Lewis—as teacher, colleague, friend—offer their reminiscences and impressions of the complex man behind the critical and academic acclaim.
Through their recollections, we see “Jack” Lewis dazzling Oxford as he takes on atheists, materialists, and a host of other challengers. Most poignantly, we see him in everyday settings: striding up and down the platform at a railroad station, presiding over leisurely dinners with students, expounding on the virtues of the pub.
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“The great importance of [Lewis and Tolkien] is that they have succeeded in restating certain traditional values—in a way that they make an imaginative appeal to a very wide audience, young and old, traditionalist and non-traditionalist.”
—Richard Purtill, Author
Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
by Richard Purtill
This examination of the fantasy and philosophy of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien allows us to see what is good and true in literature. Though the worlds and characters that Lewis and Tolkien created came from imagination, the ideas and values they embodied came from truth, allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around himself. This is why their works have such resonance, why so many readers return again and again to the works of Tolkien and Lewis to be refreshed and nourished by the truth that can be found in the pages of their books.
Richard Purtill takes the reader through a guided tour of the works of Lewis and Tolkien. As we explore the lands and planets that these brilliant writers conjured up, one can see with greater clarity what makes literature great, and what makes fantasy important.
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“An ideal introduction to C.S. Lewis for the uninitiated and a fine recapitulation for those already familiar with Lewis’s writings on religion.”
by Richard Purtill
Drawing on the whole body of C.S. Lewis' published fiction and non-fiction, as well as previously unpublished letters, Richard Purtill offers a clear, comprehensive assessment of Lewis’ defense of Christianity. He examines Lewis’ thinking on religion in light of contemporary thought, giving attention to such central issues as: the nature of God, the divinity of Christ, the manifestation of miracles in history, the challenge of faith, the meaning of death and the afterlife.
C.S. Lewis’ Case for the Christian Faith is an excellent introduction to Lewis's best thinking on the major themes of the Christian tradition. Those who know his writing will find a new appreciation of his “Christian imagination” and a deep respect for his distinctive contribution to an understanding of Christianity.
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by Peter Kreeft
Kreeft, one of the foremost students of Lewis' thought, distills Lewis' reflections on the collapse of western civilization and the way to renew it. Few writers have more lucidly grasped the meaning of modern times than Lewis. Kreeft's reflections on Lewis' thought provide explorations into the questions of our times. Kreeft and Lewis together provide light and hope in an age of darkness.
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“This—to quote C.S.Lewis—‘is the most noble and joyous book I’ve read these ten years.’… This book has led me deeper into Lewis’s own writings than any I’ve read.”
—Walter Hooper, C.S. Lewis’ former secretary and biographer
Second Friends: C.S. Lewis and Ronald Knox in Conversation
by Milton Walsh
C.S. Lewis and Ronald Knox were two of the most popular authors of Christian apologetics in the twentieth century ... and for many years they were neighbors in Oxford. In Second Friends, Milton Walsh delves into their writings and compares their views on a variety of compelling topics, such as the existence of God, the divinity of Christ, the problem of suffering, miracles, the way of Love, the role of religion in society, prayer, and more. They both bring to the conversation a passionate love of truth, clarity of thought, and a wonderful wit.
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“Using C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity as a starting point, Longenecker challenges readers to look beyond the simple faith that Lewis described to discover ‘more Christianity.’ ”
—Publishers Weekly
More Christianity: Finding the Fullness of the Faith
by Fr. Dwight Longenecker
No one would dare to suggest that C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity is anything less than a brilliant explanation and defense of the Faith. But as robust, wise and ardent as it is, still it is incomplete. It begins our banquet at the table of the Lord, but doesn’t take us all the way to the final course.
That is what Dwight Longenecker’s new book, More Christianity, does. It fills our plates with the fullness of the Christian Faith found only in the Catholic Church. Lest someone think Longenecker is presuming to piggyback or cash in on Lewis’ work, or to set himself up as Lewis’ successor, that is not the case. What he does—and does brilliantly—is present the doctrine of the Church with succinct explanations of topics that arise in Catholic/Protestant discussion: the Marian dogmas, the papacy, the Mass, purgatory, the communion of saints, the rosary and more.
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“In Literary Converts, Joseph Pearce has scrutinized this roster of converts and found in it such names as Ronald Knox, R.H. Benson, G.K. Chesterton, Christopher Dawson, and many more. Catholic believers will be immensely heartened, and Christians (or others) who are not Catholic, are bound to find the whole thing vastly intriguing, if not positively convincing. Highly recommended.”
—Thomas Howard, Author, On Being Catholic
Literary Converts
by Joseph Pearce
Literary Converts is a biographical exploration into the spiritual lives of some of the greatest writers in the English language: Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh, C.S. Lewis, Malcolm Muggeridge, Graham Greene, Edith Sitwell, Siegfried Sassoon, Hilaire Belloc, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers, T.S. Eliot and J.R.R. Tolkien. The role of George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells in intensifying the religious debate despite not being converts themselves is also considered. Many will be intrigued to know more about what inspired their literary heroes; others will find the association of such names with Christian belief surprising or even controversial. Whatever viewpoint we may have, Literary Converts touches on some of the most important questions of the twentieth century, making it a fascinating read.
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