Articles on Tolkien | Articles on C.S. Lewis


Articles on J.R.R. Tolkien

THE TEMPTATION OF THE EARTHLY CITY: J.R.R. Tolkien's Augustinian Vision
by José Yulo
J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic, The Lord of the Rings, has for generations captured the minds and hearts of readers with themes and characters that embody the steadfast quality of what can today, and what was in the distant past, be best described as virtue... CONTINUE READING

WHY FANTASY? From the introduction to Lord of the Elves and Eldils
by Richard Purtill
Those who enjoy reading and discussing Lewis and Tolkien often encounter an impatient, even irritated, reaction from friends or acquaintances. Why read fantasies or fairy stories? Aren't such things for children? Shouldn't grown-ups read about "real life"? CONTINUE READING

TOLKIEN: MAN AND MYTH: A review of Joseph Pearce's biography
by Jill Kriegel
In his "attempt to unravel the mystery surrounding this most misunderstood of men", Joseph Pearce indeed sheds light on Tolkien's work as a subcreator who, via divine grace, manifests to us the one Light through his mythic world... CONTINUE READING

LADIES OF THE RING by Sandra Miesel
In an era that doesn't prize traditionally feminine virtues, Tolkien's work stands out for its idealized view of women. He highly honors their traditional roles... CONTINUE READING

TOLKIEN'S FAITH: An Interview with Paul E. Kerry, editor of The Ring and the Cross: Christianity and The Lord of the Rings
by Sean McGuire
"Tolkien was a devout Catholic who believed in the truth, beauty, majesty, and salvific power of the Roman Catholic Church. The question is to what extend did Catholicism inform his fictional writings, particularly The Lord of the Rings, his masterpiece." CONTINUE READING

by Peter Kreeft
J. R. R. Tolkien, like most Catholics, saw pagan myths not as wholly mistaken (as most Protestants do), but as confused precursors of Christianity... CONTINUE READING



Articles on C.S. Lewis

by Carl E. Olson
However impressive his learning and skills, there is a much more mysterious quality behind the distinctive features of Lewis’s writing and thinking – the reality of Joy. It is for good reason that Lewis’s account of his formative years was titled Surprised By Joy since the elusive experience of "Joy" powerfully shaped his life and thought, as he indicated in many of his writings... CONTINUE READING

by Mark Brumley
Mere Christianity sat innocently on the bookrack at a neighborhood bookstore, right next to end times prognosticator Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth. The author of Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis, was unknown to me. I confused him with Lewis Carroll of Alice in Wonderland fame. What could a weaver of children’s tales teach me about Christ? CONTINUE READING

by David C. Downing
There are several reasons it took so long for the books to be adapted into films. Lewis himself considered the cinema an ugly art form, "disagreeable to the eye—crowded, unrestful, inharmonious." He wondered if the main reason people went to movie theaters was to keep warm on a cold, damp night. (Collected Letters 3, 105). Lewis was also strongly opposed to the idea of live-action film versions of the Narnia stories... CONTINUE READING

LOOKING FOR AN INKLINGS ADVENTURE: An Interview with Dr. David C. Downing
"I first read both Lewis and Tolkien during my college years. Someone recommended the Narnia Chronicles to me in high school, but I thought I was far too sophisticated and mature at the age of eighteen to be reading 'kid stuff'! When I finally dipped into The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe one summer, I was so enthralled I read all seven Chronicles in a month. Then I sat down and re-read all seven of them again the next month..." CONTINUE READING

by Clothilde Morhan
"Nearly all that I loved I believed to be imaginary; nearly all that I believed to be real I thought grim and meaningless." With these words C.S. Lewis, the great Christian apologist who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, described the early years of his life. The story of his pre-conversion self, however, is much more than the autobiography of one 20th-century Englishman. It depicts the spiritual torpor of modern man, namely post-Christian man... CONTINUE READING

AN HOUR AND A LIFETIME WITH C.S. LEWIS: An Interview with Thomas Howard
"Lewis’s popularity derived, I am sure, from the remorseless clarity of everything he wrote, plus his glorious imagination, plus his splendid mastery of the English language..." CONTINUE READING

C.S. LEWIS'S CASE FOR CHRISTIANITY: An Interview with Richard Purtill
by Gord Wilson
"I’m a convert. When I converted in my ‘teens, it was largely due to reading Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters and a lot of works by G.K. Chesterton. So Chesterton and Lewis sort of guided me into the Catholic Church, even though Lewis wasn’t a Catholic..." CONTINUE READING


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