Here's what some of our customers are saying about Ignatius Press Catholic fundraising programs:
"The fundraising program was such a fantastic success! It was so simple, and the parishioners were very grateful for the opportunity to purchase wonderful solidly Catholic products at a significant discount!
God bless you in the great work that you are doing."
– Mrs. Dorothy Conway
Director of Religious Education
St. Gregory the Great Church
Hamilton, N.J.
"These fund raising opportunities that Ignatius offers are fantastic, and much appreciated."
– David Thayer - Pacheco, California
"We are so lucky to have been a part of this!"
– Carleen - Langdon, North Dakota
"IP made it so very easy for us to offer this opportunity. I appreciate the publicity help, the excellent product and reasonable prices, the ease of participating in the sale and making returns."
– Cindy - Lodi, Wisconsin
"I think the fundraiser was great! We made over $600!"
– Ellen - Kiowa, Colorado
"It was a great opportunity for service to our parish. We live in a semi-rural area with the nearest Catholic bookstore about 30 miles away, so parishioners were hungry for these materials."
– Donna - Paso Robles, California
"When I first thought of doing an 'Ignatius – Night at the Movies' I was not sure how much time/effort it would take to do. Working with Ignatius Press was a great experience, they were very helpful with any questions I had and have gone out of their way to make sure doing a movie night is both very easy and a wonderful way to promote Catholic products — of which Ignatius has an awesome selection to pick from. If you're considering an Ignatius movie night — go ahead — you won't regret it!"
– Rebecca Montag - West Bend, Iowa
"I want to thank Ignatius Press for making available a Catholic book fair. We weren't quite sure what to expect, and we were extremely pleased with the entire thing. Both the initial order of books to display at the fair and the final order of books generated from the fair arrived so quickly — in less than a week! I was very surprised and pleased. The instructions and guidelines for the fair were very detailed and helped immensely in making everything go smoothly. Your flyers, posters, and other advertisement helps were great to have and made things very easy. Our pastor and principal were very pleased with the success of the fair and I am so excited to get to add dozens of great Catholic books and videos to our school library."
– Shannon Fritch, St. Mary's Cathedral School, Lafayette, Indiana
We love hearing from our customers! You can e-mail your comments to Nikki – Please put TESTIMONIAL in the subject line and you could see your comments here soon.