Make the most of the Education in Virtue series with these simple and powerful resources for children and parents alike!
Starter Kit
This kit provides everything you need to begin using the Education in Virtue materials in your classroom or home. Each kit contains an Educator’s Guide, Virtue Chart Pack, Virtue Card Set, Saint Card Set, and a tote bag.
(Value savings set)
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Educator's Guide
This guide helps educators understand and explain the importance of living a Christian life of virtue. It provides an overview of the doctrine of virtue, the rationale of the virtue curriculum, and guidelines for using the materials in the classroom, parish, and home. The Educator’s Guide provides the content needed to educate youth in discipleship and virtue by providing in-depth knowledge of the Theological and Moral Virtues, as well as the corresponding gifts of the Holy Spirit. Educators will help students clearly understand how everyone is called to be a disciple of Christ, and that through a personal encounter with Him, each of us is gifted with interior happiness and true freedom.
Softcover, 110 pages
One per teacher
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Virtue Posters
Instructional Poster Set
These 28 laminated instructional posters are great tools for classroom lessons. The front of the poster has images to show what the virtue “looks like” and “sounds like” and a written definition for the students to gain an understanding of the virtue. The back of the poster contains references that can be used by the educator to instruct the students on the virtue including: a concise description of the virtue, the opposing trait, definition of the related Cardinal Virtue and corresponding gift of the Holy Spirit, brief biographies of several saints who are good examples for living this virtue, and related Scripture references.
Set of 28, 11” x 24” laminated posters
Optional—one per classroom
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Ways to Cultivate Posters
The Ways to Cultivate Poster Sets are tools for classroom management. Each poster includes (1) the virtue and its meaning, (2) an image that demonstrates the “Looks like,” and “Sounds like” aspect of the virtue, (3) the corresponding Cardinal Virtue and gift of the Holy Spirit, and a (4) Scripture verse.
Ways to Cultivate Posters – Set 1
Poster Size: 11″ x 17″ / 1-sided, Dry Erase
Set contains 1 individual poster for each virtue
28 Total Posters
Ways to Cultivate Posters – Set 2
Poster Size: 11″ x 17″ / 1-sided, Dry Erase
Set contains 1 individual poster for each virtue
28 Total Posters
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Virtue Tree Poster
The Virtue Tree is an instructional tool that stands at the heart of our methodology. This simple image helps students to identify how the virtues are organic and interrelated as they identify each of the Moral Virtues to its corresponding Cardinal Virtue.
"18 x 24" laminated poster
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Virtue Chart Pack
The Virtue Chart Pack helps students apply the virtue lessons at home. It provides a lexicon or language of virtues using easy-to-use reference charts. These materials help to identify virtues that need to be cultivated, as well as providing an overview of the virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The pack includes
Laminated Remain In Me Chart (8.5" x 11")
This chart features a list of virtues in their respective color-coded Cardinal Virtue and provides explanations of the meaning of the virtue, the opposing trait of the virtue, and ways to cultivate the virtue. The chart is broken down by age group to show how this virtue looks at ages 6+, 10+, and 12+. Flip side is the Virtue Tree diagram which visually shows the relationships between the virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Laminated 4 page Disciple of Christ Virtue Chart (8.5" x 11")
An easy-to-use, four page chart that gives students and parents an overview of the Theological Virtues, Cardinal Virtues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Happiness Is Living a Virtuous Life Pamphlet
A virtue-based examination of conscience that explains the virtues and asks concrete questions to identify if we are turning away from the virtues. It explains how true happiness is found in living a virtuous life in Christ.
One per each family in grades K–6. One per student grades 7–8.
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Virtue Card Set
The Virtue Cards assist children in the practice of virtue. Color-coded cards feature an image that complements what the virtue “looks like” and “sounds like,” while the back of the card includes a prayer, saint picture, brief biography, and Scripture passage. Each Virtue Card Set includes several unique cards to explain each virtue. They are great tools to cultivate a virtue in individual students or a group of students. Students can select a personal virtue and develop concrete ways of practicing the virtue.
Set of 270, 4.25” x 5.5” cards
One per classroom
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Saint Card Set
These small holy cards help to remind children of a particular virtue they are trying to cultivate. Easy to carry in one’s pocket, these cards feature an image of the saint, a prayer to help acquire the virtue, the definition of that virtue, and a Scripture passage. Each Saint Card Set contains 35 cards (several different saint cards for each virtue).
Saint Card Set 1 is no longer available, but Saint Card Set 2 below contains examples of the same virtues, just using difference saints.
Saint Cards– Set 2
Set of 35, 2.75” x 4.25” cards
Disciple of Mercy Journal
The Jubilee Year of Mercy challenges all followers of Christ to live as disciples of mercy. Using the theme of divine mercy, this journal follows a 12-week cycle designed to lead to a deeper relationship with God by spending time with his Word using lectio divina (divine reading). Readers will find the scriptural texts further enlivened as they contemplate over 40 works of religious art. The Disciple of Mercy Journal helps readers examine their lives, be receptive to God’s grace and mercy, and more mercifully reach out to others by virtuously living the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Softcover, 148 pages
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Life of Christ
Lectio Divina Journal
The Life of Christ Lectio Divina Journal aids readers to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ using the monastic tradition of divine reading (lectio divina). The journal guides readers through the life of Christ using 78 Scripture passages and meditation on God’s Word by means of silent reflection upon specially selected works of superb religious art. Through an experience of truth, beauty, and goodness, readers will understand how a life of virtue becomes an interior habit, a way of life enabling greater openness to the Holy Spirit and a deepening of one’s personal commitment to live as a disciple of Christ. Includes over 75 religious images! Excellent for weekly student contemplations and holy hours over one or two academic years.
Softcover, 326 pages
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Advent and Lent Journals
Disciple of Christ—Education in Virtue offers seasonal journals to help navigate through Advent and Lent. The journals include Scripture readings, beautiful religious images, and questions to help readers meditate on the Word using lectio divina and prepare their hearts for the upcoming liturgical season. Seasonal journals ship 4-6 weeks before the appropriate liturgical season begins.
Advent Journal - Mother of Life
Can be used for each Liturgical Cycle
Softcover, 140 pages
Also, And the Word Became Flesh is a Lectio Divina Journal for meditating on the Incarnation.
Lenten Journal - Paschal Mystery of Christ
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