evangelize Your Parish
Ignatius Press offers 40 outstanding CTS booklets, including two "starter sets" — a 12-Title Best-Selling Booklet Starter Set and a 24-Title Best-Selling Booklet Starter Set. Each CTS booklet is rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition, and is highly readable for Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Each title comes in a packet of 5 booklets.
These inexpensive, eye-catching booklets can be displayed in attractive, affordable oak display racks. Catholics-in-the-pews can grow in their faith and become more effective evangelists reading CTS materials. Plus, the booklets provide answers to common objections to Catholicism in clear and engaging ways. They're straightforward, easy-to-read presentations on important and timely topics. And they make superb supplements to parish catechetical and spiritual formation activities.

CTS booklets are the ideal length for people who won't read a book- length presentation on any topic but who need more information than a leaflet or flyer can provide.
Each booklet is priced at just $1.95 and Ignatius Press offers you a 25% discount to allow your church to make a small profit on each sale. This profit covers your costs and allows you to give booklets away free to parishioners when you feel they have a special need.
Top 10 Tips for Selling in Parishes
You only have a few seconds in which to catch the eye of a potential buyer. Here are some helpful tips collected from CTS's top parish sellers. They are easy ways to increase the sales in your parish, and deepen your parishioners' understanding and love of the Catholic faith.
- Location, location, location! Where are your CTS booklets displayed? Do people have to pass the display when they come in and go from church? Don't hide the light of faith! Make sure your CTS booklets are prominently displayed for the people who need them.
- It pays to advertise. Regularly include an announcement about CTS booklets in your parish bulletin. Mention a particular booklet topic and encourage people to pick up a copy at the CTS display rack. Or if your parish sends a regular email message include a CTS announcement in it.
- Proclaim it from the pulpit. The end of each homily or Mass is an ideal time to promote CTS booklets. Ask your parish pastor or deacon to make a brief mention of key booklets. (But make sure you have plenty of booklets on hand!)
- Keep it fresh. Freshen up your display: pull out older booklets and put them in a bargain box at a reduced price. (You'll be amazed at how quickly they go!) Then order new titles from CTS to bring new interest to your display.
- Follow the seasons. Do your Lent and Advent books stay in the rack all year round? Make sure you have titles displayed that fit the liturgical seasons or special feast days.
- Take a tip from the supermarkets. Ever been at the supermarket and found they've rearranged the shelves again? And while you are looking for one thing, you pick up several things that weren't on your list? It's the same with CTS display racks. Move titles around regularly and you'll more likely catch people's eye.
- Keep an eye on the news. Is a pressing social issue in the news? Some religious controversy? Make a quick order for CTS booklets that relate to the topic in question.
- The personal touch. A display rack can only offer what's on display. But you or another volunteer can set up a table with a spread of CTS booklets. You can make recommendations, suggest titles of interest, even take orders. A friendly, helpful face can make all the difference.
- Don't just sell in church. Don't limit your efforts to the end of Mass. Set up your display rack or a table in other places in the parish—the church hall, at school events or other activities. Even better, why not set up a rack in your parish school? Give children — and parents — the chance to learn more about their faith!
- We're here to help. Need any help placing your order or deciding what to stock? You can call 1-888-615-3186 for assistance.