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Praise for Redeemed By Grace

Read what others are saying:
“Countless readers will be nodding their heads in recognition when they encounter Ramona Treviño’s riveting story of becoming immersed in the lies of secular culture, only to find her way out through the help of God’s grace. Redeemed by Grace is a powerful tale that offers important insights on the fight for life in the modern age.”
—Jennifer Fulwiler, Author, Something Other Than God
Reaching abortion workers on the sidewalk

Video: Reaching abortion workers on the sidewalk
It is important to remember that as we seek to change our nation by electing pro-lifers to public office, the “front lines” of where the abortion war takes place is on the sidewalks – in changing the hearts and minds of abortion-minded women and of those working in the abortion industry.
Sidewalk Advocates for Life shares a video clip of former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino, who credits her departure from PP to the support she received from pro-life sidewalk counselors: