Pope Francis has called for an Extraordinary Synod on the Family, which will take place October 2014. Ignatius Press is committed to helping the Church carry out her mission by providing these important resources. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the family the “domestic church” and “the original cell of social life”. Together with the Holy Father, we are devoted to assisting the family in realizing and carrying out its vital role.
On Human Life: Humanae Vitae
Available Oct 2014. In perhaps the most controversial document in modern Church history, Pope Paul VI explains why the Catholic Church rejects contraception. Neither the person-uniting nor the person-begetting aspect may deliberately be separated from sexual intercourse without acting against God's purpose and damaging the conjugal relationship.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
The Hope of the Family
Available Oct 2014. In this engaging conversation, Cardinal Müller, one of Pope Francis' top advisers in the Vatican, addresses the challenges facing marriage and family life today. Many Catholics live together before marriage, marry civilly, or do not even bother with marriage. The solution: the Church must undertake a robust new evangelization of the family.
Other items in Marriage and Family
Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church
Available Oct 2014. This book shows that the Church's longstanding fidelity to the truth of marriage constitutes the irrevocable foundation of its loving response to the individual who is civilly divorced and remarried. Traditional Catholic doctrine and contemporary pastoral practice are not in contradiction.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
The Gospel of the Family
Available Oct 2014. This volume spells out well-founded critical reservations about the controversial proposal of Cardinal Walter Kasper regarding marriage, re-marriage and communion in the Church, while admiring some of its elements. It is intended above all as a positive contribution that describes an alternative merciful pastoral approach.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
Marriage (2nd Edition): The Rock on Which The Family is Built
Marriage has a foundational role for family, with marriage defined as the union of one man and one woman. Drawing on Pope John Paul II’s “theology of the body”, this book explains the love-enabling, life-giving, and sanctifying nature of marriage. Also available as an ebook and an audio book.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
Love and Responsibility
Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla writes that biology, psychology, and sociology can provide valuable information on relations between the sexes, but a full understanding requires study of the human person as a whole.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
Covenant of Love
Pope John Paul II teaches that the keystone of Christian living today is the communion of persons which is the family. He explores the influence of Christ on the modern family, human intimacy, and sexuality, and responds to the violations of that familial communion. Also available as an ebook.
Other items in Marriage and Family
The Seven Big Myths about Marriage
Appealing to reason rather than religious authority, the book tackles the most controversial and talked about positions of the Catholic Church—on contraception, on marriage, on reproductive technologies, on cohabitation, and on divorce—arguing for the reasonableness of the Church's views. Also available as an ebook.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality
Non-Negotiable: Essential Principles of a Just Society and Humane Culture
In their founding documents, the United States and the United Nations recognized the principles that all men have inherent dignity and that they deserve equal rights. Yet both have powerful political forces passing laws or resolutions that violate these first principles and put at risk the most vulnerable populations. Also available as an ebook.
Other items in Moral Issues
I Do: Keys to a Happy Marriage
With an original approach and attractive images, these documentaries feature the experiences and advice of over 30 experts from five continents, plus the opinions of married couples and engaged young people. This film has been officially recognized by the Holy See as: Under the patronage of the Vatican Pontifical Council for the Family.
Other items in Marriage and Sexuality