"The federal government —our United States federal government—is currently pushing the views expressed in this book to the sidelines. Adam and Eve after the Pill is a protest vote—a first among many."
— Kathryn Jean Lopez,
editor-at-large, National Review Online
"If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, this book will help women, men, and young adults connect the dots between the so called sexual revolution and a never ending list of societal ills."
— Teresa Tomeo,
Syndicated Catholic Talk Show Host
"A compelling and provocative look at why an about-face is needed now to save Western Civilization from a cultural Doomsday."
— Johnnette S. Benkovic, Founder of Women of Grace®, Television & Radio Show Host, EWTN
"Through careful research
and compelling arguments, Mary Eberstadt blows the lid off of the lies
of the sexual revolution."
— Jennifer Fulwiler, National Catholic Register blogger
"This is a brilliant, serious work of the kind we've needed for decades, and it's also entirely accessible, even winsome, in its prose."
— Joseph Bottum
Mary Eberstadt is "intimidatingly intelligent".
— George Will, The Washington Post
"Mary Eberstadt is our premier analyst of American cultural foibles and follies, with a keen eye for oddities that illuminate just how strange the country's moral culture has become."
— George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center
"If you want to learn what the Pill and the ensuing sexual revolution really accomplished, you must
read Adam and Eve After the Pill."
— Dr. Raymond Dennehy, University of San Francisco