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Booklets come in packs of 5. Perfect for bookstores and parishes! Unless otherwise noted, the list price for a pack of 5 is $9.95.
- full title: Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy
description: These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance – especially for the Year of Mercy. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus, a selection of prayers penned by him, and a word on the history and value of the Way of the Cross as a 'way of divine mercy'. This new edition contains new colour illustrations to assist prayerful devotion.
Jim McManus C.Ss.R. preaches parish missions throughout Britain, He is the author of ten books on the healing ministry and spirituality.
- keywords: practice, Year of Mercy, year_of_mercy, prayer
- code: CTS:D799-P
- full title: The Door of Mercy: In the Words and Life of Pope Francis
description: The new "Jubilee of Mercy" announced by Pope Francis is of great significance. Drawing from his biography, his motto, interviews, homilies, and messages, here we learn how Francis sees himself as a pilgrim in need of mercy. Further, we are all pilgrims, called to pass through the "door of mercy" opening before us in this Holy Year. In a world that sits lightly to love and forgiveness, where many feel they are beyond forgiveness, this is an invitation to start out on a personal journey to discover what mercy truly is.
- keywords: Year of Mercy, theology, practice, year_of_mercy
- code: CTS:DO911-P
- full title: Mercy Works: Practical Love for the 21st Century
description: The spiritual and corporal works of mercy are not a list to be learnt but actions to be lived. Mark Shea gives great examples of people who have performed the works of mercy and advice on how we can practice them in the 21st Century. Pope Francis's Year of Mercy is a call to each one of us to rediscover and to live the works of Mercy every day.
- keywords: Year of Mercy, practice, saints, year_of_mercy
- code: CTS:PA25-P
- full title: Corporal Works of Mercy: Mercy in Action
description: Feeding the hungry and thirsty, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, visiting the imprisoned, the sick, and burying the dead – Pope Francis wants us to stop and think again, especially during the Year of Mercy. Are these things I can do, or are they for others to get on with? What good do they do? Actions of mercy are often terribly ordinary and doable. Fr. Atherton guides us through the spiritual and practical matters that Love asks of all Christians.
- keywords: Year of Mercy, year_of_mercy, practice, catechesis
- code: CTS:SP45-P
- full title: Spiritual Works of Mercy
description: Most Christians want to live an active faith yet feel perplexed about how to do so. The seven interconnected 'spiritual works of mercy' come to our aid: counselling the doubtful; instructing the ignorant; admonishing sinners; comforting the afflicted; forgiving offences; bearing wrongs patiently; and praying for the living and the dead. Through such acts of mercy we can respond fully to God's goodness towards us, involving conversion of our interior life: such acts are truly God's acts of mercy; we, mere human agents for God to alleviate people's unhappiness.
- keywords: Year of Mercy, practice, forgiveness, catechesis, year_of_mercy
- code: CTS:SP46-P
- full title: The Christian Faith: A Mini-Catechism for Catholics
description: This booklet presents the Christian faith in a series of 73 concise articles. Each article expresses, in a nutshell, the core ideas about a wide range of topics as they are found in the Catholic tradition. The aim is to give food for thought, clear and accurate explanations and so to provide a mini-catechism of the most important elements of the Christian faith. While the richness and beauty of faith cannot be expressed in mere words, the right words can encourage us to explore it more deeply.
- keywords: catechesis, theology
- code: CTS:DO904-P
- full title: A New Hospital Prayer Book
description: This popular prayer book, now revised and improved, offers well-loved prayers, meditations, and encouragement for those in hospital. Prayers for expectant mothers, excerpts from Scripture, and from the saints, the Rites for receiving communion when sick, and for Anointing the Sick are included, as is night prayer and a helpful guide to Confession.
- keywords: Sacraments, Confession, Annoining of the Sick, liturgy, prayer
- code: CTS:D722-P
- full title: Why Go to Confession?
description: The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it more, and to encourage those who do not, to reconsider its many benefits. Describing the sacrament as 'one of the greatest treasures of the Catholic Church', this booklet considers both the human and spiritual perspectives of Confession. It includes notes on examination of conscience and a helpful Rite to Confession itself.
- keywords: Sacraments, confession, liturgy, catechesis, Year of Mercy, year_of_mercy
- code: CTS:D716-P
- full title: Why Pilgrimage?
description: Since beyond the mists of history people have been drawn to making pilgrim journeys. In this modern, frenetic world, pilgrimage is on the increase. This booklet seeks to answer why, as well as giving insights, inspiration and ideas for anyone contemplating pilgrimage. It also highlights some popular, and not so well known, pilgrim destinations, and proposes "Reasons to Go". Pope Francis encourages all to go on a pilgrimage during the Year of Mercy 2015/16.
- keywords: Year of Mercy, practice, year_of_mercy, pilgrimage, prayer
- code: CTS:D800-P
- full title: Preparing for Your Child's Baptism
description: Baptism is a gift for you, your child and for the whole family. This booklet explains what the sacrament is all about and what it means for you and your child. There are also practical suggestions and activities for you to follow during the time of preparation and on the day of the Sacrament itself to support your child in prayer together with all the family.
Make your child's baptism a time to enrich and renew the faith of everyone involved.
- keywords: Baptism, Sacraments
- code: CTS:PA20-P
- full title: Purgatory: A Mystery of Love
description: Does purgatory exist? If so, where, and why? What does the Bible say? What does the Church teach? What sense can be made of indulgences? This engaging survey of Scripture, the Church Fathers, Christian history, distinguished writers, and the Catechism, provides answers to these and many other questions. In this examination of the calling and dignity of each person, as well as the context and purpose of our lives here on earth, personal accountability and divine mercy harmoniously combine to make sound common sense.
- keywords: purgatory, heaven, hell, life after death, Scripture, theology
- code: CTS:SP42-P
- full title: The Call to Evangelise: Founded on Loving Intimacy with the Lord
description: Are you prepared to evangelise, to communicate the gospel to others? Amid the numerous urgent calls today to do so, many may find themselves spiritually bankrupt, unable to "move towards others" with a genuine experience of God's forgiveness, mercy and joy.
This text's proposal for true intimacy with the person of Christ is both highly instructive and encouraging. To be genuine witnesses, disciples in today's fractured and wounded world must make space for contemplative prayer and for a tangible, living personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- keywords: evangelization, prayer, interior life
- code: CTS:D784-P
- full title: Galileo: Science and Faith
description: The Galileo controversy supposedly shows that the Church is against reason and science. This booklet explains the facts of the Galileo case and traces the subsequent development of the myth that the Catholic Church is the enemy of science. This history proves that even in the Galileo case, the Church remained true to its belief that faith and reason belong together.
- keywords: science, astronomy, sun, earth, controversy, apologetics
- code: CTS:H509-P
- full title: Creation and Science: Has Science Eliminated God?
description: Who created the Universe? Can science explain how the Universe came to be without God? This booklet explores these questions raised by Stephen Hawking's claim that science tells us there is 'nothing for a creator to do'. Dr. Carroll examines the Church's teaching on creation from Augustine and Aquinas to the present and explains why, without the Creator, science itself would not exist.
- keywords: science, physics, metaphysics, apologetics
- code: CTS:EX36-P
- full title: Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict
description: Professor Barr overturns the widespread notions that the history of science and religion is one of conflict and abuse. He looks at the historical, philosophical, and scientific claims of enmity between science and religion and shows that there is little basis for the idea of a fundamental conflict. Science and religion need not be at odds. What's more, many scientists have been religious believers.
- keywords: science, faith, apologetics
- code: CTS:EX37-P
- full title: Augustine of Hippo
description: St Augustine is a man with an extraordinary story to tell. This booklet uses the famous Confessions of St Augustine to recount the wonderful journey from a life of sin and error to a life lived for Christ and his fellow Christians. Augustine's spiritual insights are as fresh and valuable today as when they were written 1600 years ago. This booklet shows why Augustine was a great bishop, a Church Father, and a Doctor of the Church.
- keywords: biographies, saints and servants of God, spiritual life, conversion, confession
- code: CTS:B703-P
- full title: Pier Giorgio Frassati
description: A handsome and active young man from an influential family in Turin who dedicated his short life to the care of the poor and the sick and working for social and political reforms. Pier Giorgio Frassati's generosity was legendary. He often gave the clothes he was wearing to poor people he met who were in need. An open anti-fascist, a keen sportsman and mountaineer, an enthusiast of the theatre and literature, and a young man with a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, he stands as a great example of Christianity in action. His life was cut short by polio at the age of 24 and thousands of the Italian industrial city's poor lined the streets at his funeral. He was beatified in 1990 by Blessed Pope John Paul II.
- keywords: biographies, saints and servants of God, youth, spiritual life, laity
- code: CTS:B749-P
- full title: Maria Goretti
description: In 1902 in an Italian village a young girl, Maria Goretti, was murdered during a sexual attack. Her killer, Alessandro Serenelli, himself a teenager, was a close neighbour well known to her and her family. He had been threatening her for some time. What does it mean, how can it help, to say that she is a virgin and martyr? This is an often misunderstood and sentimentalised story. When many parents and teenagers strive for a balanced view of sexuality, of personal integrity, of Christian family life, and forgiveness to those who do irreparable harm, Maria's story speaks powerfully and authentically. It echoes John Paul's cry to today's youth - 'Do not be afraid to be saints!'
- keywords: biographies, saints and servants of God, spiritual life, martyrdom, laity
- code: CTS:B398-P
- full title: The Word of God: Dei Verbum
description: The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December 1965 the largest ever gathering of Catholic bishops answered the call of Pope John XXIII to let some "fresh air" into the Church. Completing the work of an earlier Vatican Council that had been cut short, and in a tradition of ecumenical councils dating back to the time of the Apostles, Vatican II laid the foundations for a renewal that continues. Catholic Truth Society has republished the four major documents of the Council (known as "Constitutions" and named after their opening words in Latin), with brilliant new Introductions by leading churchmen, to encourage continued study of the Council in parishes and elsewhere.
Dei Verbum is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God. It deals with the subject of divine revelation, especially the inspiration and interpretation of Sacred Scripture, and the continuing, vivifying role of Scripture in the life of the Church. Though brief, this beautiful Constitution is full of rich insight and emphasizes the important place of Scripture in every Christian life.
- keywords: Vatican ii, Vatican 2, Bible, interpretation, dogma, doctrine
- code: CTS:DO725-P
- full title: The Sacred Liturgy: Sacrosanctum Concilium
description: The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December 1965 the largest ever gathering of Catholic bishops answered the call of Pope John XXIII to let some "fresh air" into the Church. Completing the work of an earlier Vatican Council that had been cut short, and in a tradition of ecumenical councils dating back to the time of the Apostles, Vatican II laid the foundations for a renewal process that still continues. For this reason CTS have decided to republish the four major documents of the Council (known as "Constitutions" and named after their opening words in Latin), with brilliant new Introductions by some of today's leading churchmen, to encourage continued study of the Council in parishes and elsewhere.
Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, has been the cause of more controversy than perhaps any other document of the Council, since it gave rise to a liturgical reform more radical than any in recent Church history. Critics of the reform allege that many innovations introduced in the Council's name were neither sanctioned nor intended by the authors of the Constitution. Here is an opportunity to discover the truth for yourself.
- keywords: Vatican ii, Vatican 2, Mass, liturgy, reform, rite
- code: CTS:DO723-P
- full title: The Church in the Modern World: Gaudium et Spes
description: The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December 1965 the largest ever gathering of Catholic bishops answered the call of Pope John XXIII to let some "fresh air" into the Church. Completing the work of an earlier Vatican Council that had been cut short, and in a tradition of ecumenical councils dating back to the time of the Apostles, Vatican II laid the foundations for a renewal that continues. Catholic Truth Society has republished the four major documents of the Council (known as "Constitutions" and named after their opening words in Latin), with brilliant new Introductions by leading churchmen, to encourage continued study of the Council in parishes and elsewhere.
Gaudium et Spes (the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) instructs the faithful on the importance of Christian engagement with the world and the principles that should govern that engagement today. It is a document of particular importance to the laity, whose responsibility it is to transform the society in which they live.
- keywords: Vatican ii, Vatican 2, laity, reform, culture, government
- code: CTS:DO724-P
- full title: On The Church: Lumen Gentium
description: The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December 1965 the largest ever gathering of Catholic bishops answered the call of Pope John XXIII to let some "fresh air" into the Church. Completing the work of an earlier Vatican Council that had been cut short, and in a tradition of ecumenical councils dating back to the time of the Apostles, Vatican II laid the foundations for a renewal that continues. Catholic Truth Society has republished the four major documents of the Council (known as "Constitutions" and named after their opening words in Latin), with brilliant new Introductions by leading churchmen, to encourage continued study of the Council in parishes and elsewhere.
Lumen Gentium is the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. It reflects the Church's own modern self-understanding - in fact it brought that understanding into focus for the first time. We live in an age of indifference, and yet the Church is a light not just for Christians, but for all humanity. She is the instrument, the Bride and the Sacrament of God, rooted in the Trinity. She is the Kingdom of Christ already present in mystery for those who have eyes to see; but also a pilgrim, afflicted by human imperfections, pointing the way to full unity in the Spirit.
- keywords: Vatican ii, Vatican 2, ecclesiology, evangelism, conversion, doctrine
- code: CTS:DO726-P
- full title: The Church and Same Sex Attraction: What Does the Church Teach About Sexuality Homosexuality and Gay Marriage?
description: A leaflet explaining the issues.
- keywords: marriage, sex, moral theology, sin, conscience, nature, grace
- code: CTS:LF6-P
- full title: Get Married or Live Together? Helping You Think Things Through
description: Explains why the Church doesn't allow living together before marriage.
- keywords: marriage, sex, moral theology, sin, conscience, nature, grace
- code: CTS:LF27-P
- full title: Deepening Prayer: Life Defined by Prayer
description: Explains the main methods of prayer and gives sound advice on how to pray.
Prayer is at the heart of the Christian life, but is always a battle. This booklet explores the opportunities of some of the main methods of Christian prayer, as well as the problems and pitfalls. Sr. Mary David uses the wisdom of the Church Fathers to lead the reader into a deeper relationship with God.
- keywords: meditation, contemplation, prayer life, spirituality
- code: CTS:SP13-P
- full title: A Catholic Prayer Book
description: A book of basic prayers from a range of sources.
The raising of the heart and mind to God — this traditional definition of prayer sums up what should be a regular activity for all of us. Prayer is acknowledging God's call and responding to Him in humility. Includes all commonly used prayers, plus a simple Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer, prayers for use during the day, preparation for Confession, preparation for Mass and Holy Communion, prayers to Our Lady, prayers for the sick and dying, prayers for Exposition and Benediction.
- keywords: prayer life, spirituality, formal prayers, basics
- code: CTS:D582-P
- full title: A New Penance Book
description: Teaching, reflection, and practical guidance on the Sacrament of Penance.
This booklet will help you understand how to go to Confession. It explains the Christian disciple's need for a continuous, true interior conversion. It is this conversion of the heart, which produces a gradual but sure and real change of life. In this sense we discover the radical nature of the Sacrament of Penance. It explains what the sacrament is and how to prepare for penance. Included is a section to use when going to confession, and a collection of helpful prayers for preparation and thanksgiving.
- keywords: reconciliation, sacraments, confessions, confession, repentance
- code: CTS:D660-P
- full title: Prayer Book for Spouses
description: Essential spiritual companion for married and engaged couples.
These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality, and the marriage rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses.
- keywords: marriage and family, husband, wife, parents
- code: CTS:D714-P
- full title: Divine Mercy and St. Faustina
description: The Divine Mercy message reminds us of what the Church has always taught: God is merciful and forgiving and we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. It calls people to a deeper understanding that God's love is unlimited and available to everyone - especially the greatest sinners. Devotion to The Divine Mercy involves a total commitment to God as Mercy. The devotional practices proposed in the Diary of St Faustina and included here are completely in accordance with the teachings of the Church and firmly rooted in the Gospel message of our Merciful Saviour.
- keywords: Sr. Maria Faustina Kowalska, prayerbook, St. Faustina, the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- code: CTS:D650-P
- full title: A Large Print Prayer Book
description: A book of basic prayers in large print.
Set in larger print. This prayer book contains well known prayers: Morning and Night prayers, the Rosary, Gospel Canticles, Prayers for Confession and Holy Communion, the Divine Praises, and other well loved prayers.
- keywords: seniors, large-print, basics
- code: CTS:D264-P
- full title: Apparitions of Mary: Their Meaning in History
description: The apparitions of Mary as divine responses to historical developments.
Many shrines throughout the world are associated with Mary, the Mother of God. What meaning do her apparently random apparitions have? This booklet sets out the links that exist between the nine major apparitions of Mary, accepted as authentic by the Church, and correspondingly important 'revolutionary' events in modern Western history. Fascinating parallels are also drawn between these apparitions (Guadalupe 1531, Rue du Bac 1830, La Salette 1846, Lourdes 1858, Pontmain 1871, Knock 1879, Fatima 1917, Beauraing 1932, and Banneax 1933) and various biblical figures and events. Donal Foley has summarised this text for CTS from a larger and more detailed study.
- keywords: marian, saints, history, Mary, apparitions
- code: CTS:DO662-P
- full title: Mary: Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary
description: Looks at the role of Mary in the Church and devotion to her.
Devotion to Mary has always been one of the defining characteristics of being a Catholic. Marian feasts, prayers, hymns, places of pilgrimage make up the very fabric of a lived Catholic Faith. Dr Francesca Murphy explores Mary's unique role in the incarnation and how it has always assisted the Church in avoiding theological error. She also explains the art of saying the rosary and how it has helped both the learned and the simple throughout its history to know Christ better.
Dr. Francesca Murphy is Reader in Systematic Theology at the School of Divinity, History, and Philosophy in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
- keywords: marian, saints, history
- code: CTS:SP17-P
- full title: The Hail Mary
description: A detailed commentary on the words of the Hail Mary.
This line by line exploration of the Hail Mary shows how this supremely Marian prayer brings us to an ever deeper communion with the Holy Trinity.
- keywords: marian, saints, communion of saints, formal prayer
- code: CTS:SP5-P
- full title: What Happened at Fatima: The First Objective and Comprehensive Retelling of the Story in 50 years
description: Adhering faithfully to the memoirs of Sister Lucia, the longest surviving seer, this book follows the events of Fatima: from the first stirrings of the wings in the appearances of the angels before the six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin herself, the deaths of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the subsequent apparitions to Sister Lucia in Pontevedra and Tuy, the consecration of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart, the dissolution of Soviet Communism, to the beatifications of Francisco and Jacinta and the opening of the third part of the secret that Our Lady confided to the children in 1917. The author, Leo Madigan, is a New Zealand writer who lives in Fatima.
- keywords: marian, saints, apparitions, shrines, Mary, apparitions
- code: CTS:D651-P
- full title: Message of Guadalupe: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of Mexico, Mother of the Americas, and Protectress of the Unborn Child
description: The Story of the Guadalupe apparitions and guide to the shrine in Mexico.
Why, in 1531, did Our Lady appear to an illiterate Mexican worker, Juan Diego? How can interest and devotion to her today be so widespread? Our Lady appeared as an Indian girl, speaking Juan Diego's own native language, and offered her help to the oppressed and largely pagan people from which he came. The miraculous image, which appeared as a result on Diego's clothing, can still be seen in Mexico today. This booklet tells the story, and the message Guadalupe has for the modern world. Gillian Rae eloquently shows how Mary's 'missionary image' spans the centuries to combat today's 'culture of death.'
- keywords: marian, Mary, saints and servants of God
- code: CTS:D652-P
- full title: The Role of a Christian Mother
description: Rediscovering the dignity and adventure of motherhood.
Being a mother is one of the most essential roles any woman can have, yet in today's world it has become one of the lowest status occupations, undervalued and underrewarded. After summarising the incredible physical, psychological and intellectual challenges of motherhood, Anna Melchior goes on to describe the rewards and gives useful tips, reflections and discussion which can help experienced moms or moms-to-be to value their role and its importance for the family, for society, and for the Church.
- keywords: motherhood, parenthood, parents, family life, vocation, marriage
- code: CTS:PA12-P
- full title: The Role of a Christian Father
description: Practical and spiritual guide to being a father in the modern world.
In a time when the very idea of the Christian family is being lost, the role of the father has been devalued to the point of seeming optional. This booklet looks at this most delicate but formative of relationships exploring it historically, and in the scriptures but also giving present-day examples and practical advice on how a father can lead his children and his family to fulfilment, happiness and faith.
- keywords: fatherhood, parenthood, parents, family life, vocation, marriage
- code: CTS:PA11-P
- full title: Passing on Faith to Your Children
description: Thoughtful guidance to parents on the important things.
At baptism a very great task is entrusted to parents by the Church: namely to pass on the living faith to their children.What does this involve, and how can parents work together to meet their responsibilities. This booklet explores what kind of faith we are to pass on to our children, and then gives practical help on how to best give children a positive, rich and complete experinece of Catholic Christianity.
- keywords: family life, parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood, catechetics, marriage
- code: CTS:PA6-P
- full title: A Way of Life for Young Catholics
description: Practical guide to young people wanting to live their faith.
Written for young Catholics who want to live their faith more deeply but are not sure what steps to take, this booklet contains practical, down-to-earth advice on many aspects of daily life, whether spiritual (prayer and confession), moral (alcohol and drugs, dating and chastity), emotional (coping with worrying or suffering), or vocational (discovering my vocation, finding a good husband or wife). It will be especially helpful for older confirmation candidates, students, and young adults hoping to learn more about their faith.
- keywords: youth groups, basics, teenagers, vocation, moral theology
- code: CTS:DO774-P
- full title: Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church
description: A pocket guide to the grounds and procedures for annulment.
Every person has the right to petition for a declaration of the nullity of his or her marriage. In making such a declaration the Catholic Church states that a particular union was not a valid marriage. Taking account of the Church's rich teaching on marriage, Stephen Gasche explains why and how in certain circumstances marriages may be annulled. An excellent summary for those seeking advice and for those advising in a pastoral context.
- keywords: marriage and family, annullment, divorce, spouse
- code: CTS:EX01-P
- full title: How To Discover Your Vocation: Marriage, Priesthood, Consecrated Life, Permanent Diaconate, Single Life
description: Explaining the Christian vocations and how to know which is the one for you.
This booklet will help you to think and pray about your vocation and become clearer about where God is leading you. It answers many of the practical questions you may be asking: What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? It explains the Christian vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated life, the permanent diaconate and the single life and how you can know whether God might be calling you to one of them.
- keywords: marriage and family, vocation, priesthood, priests, nuns, monks, deacons, virgins, celibate, celibacy, religious
- code: CTS:PA13-P
- full title: Catholicism and Other Religions: Introducing Interfaith Dialogue
description: How and why the Catholic Church dialogues with other Religions.
In a world which often seems divided between those who believe in a higher being and those who reject God and all religions, it is increasingly important for people of faith to learn to speak and work together.
This booklet explains what the Catholic Church intends by interfaith dialogue, what she thinks of the truth of other religions and the different questions that different religions exist to answer. The most important related texts from Church documents are also included for easy reference.
- keywords: ecumenism, dialogue, believers
- code: CTS:EX29-P
- full title: Understanding the New Age Movement
description: What is the attraction of New Age practices?
The New Age Movement is regarded by many Christians as a growing threat to traditional beliefs and practices. Why are so many people attracted to astrology, reincarnation, and magic, to spiritualism and goddess-worship, to new cults and old heresies? This clear and thoroughly researched text explores the meaning and direction of the New Age Movement in relation to Catholic teaching, and asks how Catholics can best respond to the challenge it represents. Stratford Caldecott is the author of Catholic Social Teaching: A Way In.
- keywords: ecumenism, dialogue, believers
- code: CTS:EX23-P
- full title: Explaining Islam: Islam from a Catholic Perspective
description: An introduction to Islam for Catholics.
There are over one billion Muslims in the world today. In Britain Muslims now outnumber Methodists. This booklet examines the historical background to the rise of Islam in seventh century Arabia and its subsequent expansion throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and much of Asia, as well as answering the most important questions about Islamic belief and practice from a Catholic perspective.
- keywords: ecumenism, dialogue, believers, islamic, history
- code: CTS:EX09-P
- full title: Homosexuality: Christ Above all: The Church's Teaching on Same Sex Attraction
description: Explaining Church teaching on homosexuality.
The Church calls all people to chastity. This booklet explains the basis and content of what the Church teaches about homosexuality and same sex attraction. Is same sex attraction the result of genetic or psychological factors, can it be diminished? These and many other questions are answered in a thorough and sensitive manner.
- keywords: moral theology, biology, sexual ethics
- code: CTS:EX12-P
- full title: True Love: Passion and Purity
description: Understanding our deepest need to love and be loved.
This booklet helps the reader gain an insightful understanding of our deepest need to love and be loved, and what place our sexuality has in this important aspect of our lives. The radical inner conversion required by the Gospel joins together the physical and spiritual aspects of the love which God himself has planted in each of us. Fr. Doe shows the power Christ has to heal our fragmented sexuality and inner life, and help us to recover chastity of heart.
- keywords: moral theology, biology, sexual ethics
- code: CTS:SP24-P
- full title: Sexuality and Love: Questions and Answers about Sexuality
description: This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit.
- keywords: moral theology, sexual ethics
- code: CTS:PA1-P
- full title: Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist?
description: A reasoned explanation of belief in the Real Presence.
Using key sources from scripture and tradition, Bishop Michael Evans explains how Jesus is present today when we celebrate the Mass. A highly readable and accessible text.
- keywords: liturgy, sacraments, precious blood, host, flesh
- code: CTS:DO727-P
- full title: What Catholics Believe
description: A step-by-step beginners' guide to the Catholic faith.
To anyone interested in learning something of the Catholic faith, this 'twenty-steps' pocket book will be a treasure. Different people have so many different questions: about marriage and family life, about faith, whether God exists, the truth of the Gospels, or about justice and peace in the world. While designed for use as part of a course of instruction, this booklet will be helpful for use on your own. It does not pretend to be a complete expression of the Catholic faith — but is an excellent introduction: a step on your journey to Christ.
- keywords: creed, orthodoxy, dogma
- code: CTS:DO531-P
- full title: What Is the Catholic Church?
description: An introduction to the world's oldest institution founded by Jesus Christ.
Many people are puzzled by the idea of the Church, and especially by the claims of the Catholic Church. This booklet shows the Catholic Church's special place in God's plan for humanity; how Jesus Christ founded his Church and guides it throughout history; how he is present with us, especially through the sacraments; and how he guides and teaches us through its official leaders. The Catholic Church is a home for all, for saints and for sinners, and only in this home can we discover all the gifts that Christ wants to share with us.
Fr. Stephen Wang is a Catholic priest of the Diocese of Westminster. He teaches philosophy and theology at Allen Hall Seminary in London.
- keywords: ecclesiology, apologetics
- code: CTS:DO763-P
- full title: The Gospel of Paul
description: Classic text by famous biblical scholar on the Letters of St Paul.
This classic text, by one of Britain's greatest Biblical scholars was originally a series of Lenten conferences given in Westminster Cathedral and is reprinted in this new edition for the Year of St. Paul. Msgr. Knox expounds all his insights into the Pauline letters in his simple, inimitable style and introduces us to the heart of the good news — the Gospel — that comes to us across the centuries from the Church's greatest missionary: St. Paul.
- keywords: Scripture, biblical theology, retreats
- code: CTS:SC87-P
- full title: A Simple Glossary of Catholic Terms (Revised and Expanded)
description: Unpacking Catholic jargon and customs: a revised and expanded edition.
Like every human family, the Catholic Church has a lot of special words and phrases which have a clear and concise meaning to members, but can be very puzzling to those outside.
This glossary, now considerably expanded and revised, is intended to explain some of the curious words and usages found in Catholic terminology. It is an ideal guide for all Catholics, and very suitable for giving to those entering communion with us.
- keywords: theology, liturgy, ecclesiology, dogma, parish life, dictionary
- code: CTS:DO806-P
- full title: Why Go to Mass?: A Simple Explanation of the Eucharist and Our Encounter with Christ in It
description: A simple explanation of the Eucharist and our encounter with Christ.
Some Catholics go to Mass simply because they have always done so, out of obligation, or because their parents, teachers or peers demand that they come. Others have either given up completely or are still searching. Relying greatly upon the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr Michael Evans provides a beautiful summary of the meaning of the Mass and the powerful reasons why it holds the central position in the life of the Church and Christians. How can we love God, and our neighbour without the love of Christ?.
- keywords: liturgy, Sacraments, True Presence, encountering God, Sunday
- code: CTS:DO639-P
- full title: The Depths of Scripture: The Bible in the Light of the Catechism
description: An exploration of the infinite beauty of the Bible for every Christian.
The encounter with the Sacred Scriptures should never leave the Christian unmoved — on the contrary when Christ explained the scriptures on the road to Emmaus, the disciples' hearts burned within them. This booklet lays the foundations for a deeper appreciation of the infinite beauty of the word of God.
- keywords: biblical theology, Catechism of the Catholic Church, scripture, New Testament, Old Testament
- code: CTS:SP25-P
- full title: A Rule of Life: For Daily Christian Living
description: Suggestions on how to live a Christian life amidst the business of every day.
Amid the busyness of the modern world, a personal Rule of Life can be invaluable, to help us have regular contact with God each day, week, month and season. This rule will assist you in acquiring good habits for living as a Christian, and so to love and serve God and your neighbour. The author draws deeply on the experience of Christians over the ages to map out the rule.
- keywords: discipline, respite, retreats, laity, religious orders
- code: CTS:DO759-P
- full title: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting the Good Fight
description: Using the weapons of the Church to fight off evil and temptation.
Every Christian is engaged in an ongoing struggle against the self, and against temptation, striving to gain the blessings of the Kingdom of God. This booklet enlightens the struggle by searching the wisdom of the scriptures. It gives hope to everyone, because Christ is always by our side to help us in every battle, and he has already defeated death and sin.
- keywords: scripture, spiritual life, virtues, sin, practical ethics
- code: CTS:SP16-P
- full title: Mother Teresa
description: Life of the famous "saint of Calcutta".
As Agnes Bojaxhiu left her home in Albania to join the missionary Loreto Sisters in Ireland, she began a journey which would make her one of the most famous women of the twentieth century. Jim Gallagher recounts her life of openness to God and of service to those whom the world considered worthless. From her care for the dying in the streets of Calcutta to her defence of the unborn in the West, her life shows the power of true holiness and heroic Christian witness.
- keywords: saints and servants of God, religious orders, Missionaries of Charity, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B672-P
- full title: G.K. Chesterton
description: Introduction to the life and work of one of Britain's greatest Catholic writers and thinkers.
Chesterton was a convert to Catholicism and a prolific novelist, critic, biographer, journalist. Above all he was a defender of the faith and common sense which he saw in everything natural and good. He debated the great questions that have always preoccupied human beings with other great minds such as George Bernard Shaw and H G Wells. But what transpires from the flamboyance and humour of his poetry and prose is a man in love with life and with God, constantly putting his intellect at the service of ordinary men and of an extraordinary God.
- keywords: Catholic culture, thinkers, Chesterbelloc, saints and servants of God, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B704-P
- full title: Father Damien: Apostle to the Lepers
description: St. Damien de Veuster – Apostle to the lepers.
Aged 33, Fr. Damien de Veuster left his mission parish to work among the lepers of Hawaii. He died there of leprosy aged only 49. Like Christ himself, he became rejected for the rejected, a leper for the lepers: something rare in a world that wants to eliminate suffering. The author has updated and revised the text in light of Damien's canonization by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.
- keywords: martyrs, martyrdom, healing, sickness, saints and servants of God, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B726-P
- full title: The Message of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: The Little Way of an Unknown Carmelite Nun who Became a Doctor of the Church
description: Classic summary of the "little way" of St. Therese of Lisieux.
Therese died a painful and lingering death of tuberculosis in her French convent in the Normandy town of Lisieux in 1897, at only twenty-four years of age. Thousands of soldiers in the First World War trenches carried her picture to their own deaths. This acclaimed booklet sets out what Therese called her Little Way and powerfully reveals the relevance of the Gospel to everyday living.
- keywords: The Little Flower, martyrs, martyrdom, missionaries, spiritual life, healing, sickness, saints and servants of God, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:D331-P
- full title: The Message of Bernadette: Lourdes 2008 – 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions
description: Christian suffering and Bernadette of Lourdes.
Msgr. Vernon Johnson's classic text on what Bernadette has to teach us about suffering has been expanded here by Donal Foley, particularly in the light of the teaching and experience of Pope John Paul II and others.
The 150th anniversary of the apparitions at the Lourdes grotto offers Christians the opportunity to meditate deeply on the cross and the meaning and value of illness and suffering. Additional material on Bernadette's own illness and her writings has been included in this anniversary edition of this classic text.
- keywords: seers, Mary, Marian apparitions, martyrs, martyrdom, missionaries, spiritual life, healing, sickness, saints and servants of God, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:SP23-P
- full title: Padre Pio: A Holy Priest
description: Life of one of the most famous saints of modern times.
Canonised on the June 16, 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is most called upon, often with amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and is said to have often bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessional that Padre Pio will ever be remembered among the saints.
- keywords: miracle workers, healing, sickness, saints and servants of God, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B669-P
- full title: Curé d'Ars: Saint John Vianney
description: How he lived and worked to transform his parish.
Here is the amazing account of how this simple man, without great expectations beyond saving souls, transformed an insignificant backwater parish in traumatised, post-revolutionary France, against all the odds. Written by Fr. Rutler, a parish priest in New York and acknowledged Vianney expert, it marks the Year for Priests held on the 150th anniversary of the saint's death.
- keywords: pastors, priests, confession, saints and servants of God, Cure d' Ars, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B727-P
- full title: John Henry Newman: Apostle to the Doubtful
description: Life of the famous theologian and convert to Catholicism.
Eminent Victorian, academic and thinker, Anglican clergyman and celebrated convert, caring pastor and writer, Catholic priest, and Cardinal - these are some of the signposts along Newman's celebrated journey. This refreshing biography reveals a very real and compassionate man who was much more than a writer and polemicist. As a pastor, priest and friend he offered lasting counsel to many people and truly lived out the demands of the gospel. Newman faced the challenge of his times: rationalism and doubt. In today's climate of scepticism and polarisation, his struggle to maintain a dialogue with the world about him, stands as a beacon of sanity and balance for all who seek the truth.
- keywords: saints and servants of God, John Cardinal Newman, via media, Anglicans, Oxford Movement, England, CTS Biographies, biography
- code: CTS:B665-P
- full title: Lent – Easter Awaits Us: Returning to the Way of God
description: Pope Benedict's call to return to the ways of God. Since our happiness in this life depends largely on our being able to love others — as Christ reveals to us every Easter — then Lent is a precious time for Christians to draw close to the truth and meaning of their lives.
- keywords: Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, pope, spirituality, parish life, Lent, Easter, liturgical seasons
- code: CTS:D719-P
- full title: Lent with the Saints: Meditations and Prayers
description: All the wisdom and insight of the saints on the season of conversion. Meditations and the forty days of Lent provide Christians, and those preparing for baptism, with an intense period of preparation for the 'Feast of all Feasts', Easter, the 'Passover of the Lord'.
- keywords: Lent, saints, sayings, inspiration
- code: CTS:D677-P
- full title: Ways of Forgiveness: How to let forgiveness set you free
description: This inspiring and practical guide opens us up to the spiritual gift of forgiveness. The author considers what sin is and how it affects our lives, and then shows how the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) can heal us from the effects of sin.
- keywords: confession, reconciliation, sacraments, mercy
- code: CTS:D556-P
- full title: Our Lady Untier of Knots
description: During his studies in Germany, Pope Francis encountered a local devotion centered on an image of Our Lady in the Church of St. Peter in Augsburg. Many had come to pray with seemingly irresolvable family and marriage problems and had been helped. On his return to Argentina he set about spreading this devotion and its novena.
- keywords: Pope Francis, Mary
- code: CTS:D769-P
- full title: Saint Therese of Lisieux Prayers and Devotions
description: This booklet contains an introduction to the life of St. Therese and explains the origin of devotion to her "Little Way" as well as her importance in our everyday life and on our journey of faith. The best loved litanies, novenas, devotions, and hymns are included to encourage a prayerful visit to this well loved saint and a mind and heart lifted up to God.
- keywords: saints and servants of God, devotions, prayers, faith
- code: CTS:D771-P
- full title: Who Is the Devil? What Pope Francis Says
description: To the surprise of some, Pope Francis has devoted considerable energy in exhorting the faithful to take the devil seriously. In his homilies, speeches and writings he has made clear that while we need not be afraid of the devil, his activity today can be readily identified.
- keywords: devil, Pope Francis
- code: CTS:DO890-P
- full title: Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis
description: Amid all the sound-bites and comment on the words and actions of Pope Francis, this booklet invites you to stop and pray with the Pope and truly understand his message of love and mercy. These meditations on the Passion of Christ offer a prayerful journey with valuable insight into the mind and heart of the Holy Father.
- keywords: Pope Francis, devotions
- code: CTS:D770-P
- full title:A Rule of Life For Daily Christian Living
description:Amid the busyness of the modern world, a personal Rule of Life can be invaluable, to help us have regular contact with God each day, week, month and season. This rule will assist you in acquiring good habits for living as a Christian, and so to love and serve God and your neighbor
- keywords:rules, christian living, life
- code: CTS:DO759-P
- full title: Year of Faith Leaflet
description: An introduction to the Year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict XVI.
This leaflet will help to familiarize Catholics and others with the Year of Faith. You will find plenty of ideas and practical suggestion of how you can take advantage of this special time. It is ideal for giving out in parishes.
- keywords: Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, pope, spirituality, parish life, year_of_faith
- code: CTS:LF66-P
- full title: Year of Faith Prayer Book
description: A special collection of prayers on the themes of the Year of Faith. Taking the main themes for the Year of Faith—the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the Deposit of Faith, the relationship between personal faith and Faith of Church—this prayer book invites the faithful to engage in Pope Benedict XVI's call to a Year of Faith and for a mature understanding of the Church and themselves.
This booklet contains prayers and devotions to be used daily, and for periodic prayer and reflection. The reader is invited to become involved in praying for the Church, the faithful, the world, and for the kind of ‘conversion' that Pope Benedict mentions in his documents on the Year of Faith.
- keywords: Year of Faith, prayer life, spirituality, formal prayers, basics, year_of_faith
- code: CTS:D756-P
- full title: Companion to Faith: October 2012 - November 2013
description: This practical booklet is full ideas about increasing your knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith over the course of the Year of Faith.
Its 12 sections, easily used across the course of the year, take you on a journey to explore Catholicism through celebrated films, art, the Catechism, scientists, websites, blogs, inspiring people, life style choices, essential reading, journeys you can make, prayers, and a host of other things you really should know about. This is a good starting point to help explore and grow your faith.
- keywords: Year of Faith, catechism, inspiration, spirituality, year_of_faith
- code: CTS:DO860-P
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