long awaited Gala Premiere of the English version of French Filmmaker John Delannoy’s Bernadette has come to pass, and all of us here at Ignatius Press have agreed that the evening was a grand success. For that reason, we have chosen to create this page to commemorate the premiere and thank those who participated.

We owe our gratitude in large part to none other than Sydney Penny herself, who attended the premiere in person with her husband Robert. She autographed copies of the video and kindly shared her own impressions of the film and it’s shooting on location in southern France. One memory that she shared was particularly striking: she related her sense of awe at seeing, as a young girl, the perfectly incorrupt body of the very saint that she would portray on film—an experience not shared by many other actors, to say the least!

Following Sydney’s discourse, Fr. Joseph Fessio took the opportunity to speak about our new Pope, Benedict XVI, under whom he studied many years before his elevation to the sacred college of cardinals, and whose friendship he has since enjoyed. Fr. Fessio read aloud an article entitled “Why They Ran” by Peggy Noonan, former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, in which Peggy gives a moving narrative of the rush of Rome’s crowds to St. Peter’s Square at the announcement of white smoke, insightfully interpreting the overwhelming interest in the papacy in our otherwise secular-minded and often irreligious age. Fr. Fessio’s was visibly moved as he read the article, and his own personal account of the man who has ascended to the throne of Peter serves as a reminder of the proximity of the Roman Pontiff to all Catholics, regardless of nationality.

We must also thank Ignatius Press President Mark Brumley, and staff members Tony Ryan and Eva Muntean for all their selfless efforts in coordinating this event, Rev. Walter Mallo, pastor of Our Lady of Peace, for use of the hall, Alex Pollesci as facilities and sound engineer, Dolores Meehan and Vicki Evans as caterers, Karen Ruiz as Our Lady of Peace coordinator, the OLP Young Adults Group, Allan Cravalho as technician, and all the Ignatius Press staff.

We wish to give a special thanks as well to the Sebastiani and Beringer families for generously donating their exquisite wines for the enjoyment of all who were present.

We send our heartfelt thanks to all those who came to see this fine film, and apologize to those who were not able to secure admission, as the demand for tickets was so great. We are happy to announce that an agreement is in the works to distribute the sequel to Bernadette, also staring Sydney Penny and made by the same director. This film, entitled The Passion of Bernadette was made just three years after the first film, and was shot in both French and English. It recounts the events of the young saint’s life following the official recognition of her visions and her entry into religious life.

Given the demand for tickets to the Premiere of the first film, we are considering doing a premiere showing of the sequel as well, sometime in early 2006. We hope you check back in the future, and remember that VHS and DVD versions of Bernadette can be ordered at Ignatius Press.

Photos courtesy of Jeff Grace